Ebook 4000 essential English words (Second edition) - Book 5: Part 1

4000 Essential English Words 5 is the fifth volume in the 4000 Essential English Words series of books. It is designed to help English language learners expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills. Ebook 4000 essential English words (Second edition) - Book 5: Part 1 includes contents: Unit 1: The Little Mice, Unit 2: The Helpful Abbey, Unit 3: The Bachelor’s Lesson, Unit 4: The Corrupt Administrator, Unit 5: a Famous Accident, Unit 6: The Island, Unit 7: Small World, Unit 8: Becoming a Healer, Unit 9: The Weaving Machine, Unit 10: Life on the Farm, Unit 11: Beethoven’s Gift, Unit 12: Brothers, Unit 13: The Old Hound, Unit 14: Day Without Sight, Unit 15: The Big Ship.